
If you want a quick answer, this blog’s purpose is to:

  1. explain some of the deep philosophical stuff that we often kinda understand but find difficult to articulate.
  2. inspire you to take action towards your goals and have a more meaningful life.
  3. or, if all else fails, at least entertain you with my FANTASTIC humour!

Now, for a slightly longer answer for those interested:

1. “explain some of the deep philosophical stuff that we kinda understand, but can’t articulate”

Although there are many that have influenced the creation of this blog, my main inspiration came after discovering Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan Peterson. My ideas about life have greatly developed from his lectures and books.

He has been able to articulate some of the ‘deep’ and complex concepts I didn’t properly understand and was unable to express myself.

I want to share my understanding of these concepts in a unique way that makes them as concise as possible. Then, maybe you don’t have to spend hundreds of hours watching, reading (a little), and thinking about this stuff like I’ve been doing these past few years!

2.“inspire you to take action towards your goals and have a more meaningful life”

I think particularly in the younger generations of our society, there’s a lot of us who don’t really have a reason why we should be working hard to make our future lives better. “Study. Get a career. Eat well. Help people. Do more sport. Do less heroin.”


“Why should I devote my time and energy to a difficult life when I can have an easier one? What am I struggling for? What’s my purpose?”

Having a decent answer to those questions, among others, is the first step towards a successful and healthy life (mentally, physically and spiritually).

I want to share some of the answers I’ve discovered and hopefully inspire you to strive towards your goals, aiding you to have a life filled with purpose and impact. I want to emphasise the necessity of adopting personal responsibility, something that’s considered more and more trivial nowadays.

I’ll try my best to deliver these messages in the most unique and interesting way possible, as I know some people find all that “follow your dreams” stuff a bit cringe…

3. “or, if all else fails, at least entertain you with my FANTASTIC humour!”

Some of the topics I discuss can be pretty ‘heavy’. I want to present them to you in an entertaining way so that you don’t fall asleep 15 seconds after starting a post. Also, I’d definitely get bored myself if I had to write seriously all the time (it allows me to giggle silently at my bad jokes when I come up with them…)

And besides, although the 2 points above this one are pretty ambitious, this blog is just something I’m writing in my private time. I don’t expect it to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands across the globe (obviously, I’m not gonna deny that if that did happen, it’d be pretty cool.)

For so long I’ve been taking in information and spending wayyy too much time thinking, and I thought this would be the most interesting outlet for it all. I get to process my thoughts in a coherent and structured manner, AND also share them to you (whoever you are, who is reading these words right now. Thanks.)

Long story short, I’ve watched and thought about a lot of stuff, some of it’s been cool, and I wanna share that cool stuff… ‘Cause actually, that cool stuff is not only cool, but it’s also pretty important.

Now, get off this “Purpose” page already and go read some of my damn content:

Motivation isn’t Enough, You Need to Be Driven

What to Do in a World of Infinite Interpretations?

10 Reasons to Choose a Meaningful Life

Nihilism: 9 Reasons it’s So Popular